Book Website Scapper
Project Statement
The goal of the project is to create the scrapper that is capable to extracting information from the bookstore website. This scrapper will scrap the book names and their respective prices based on the genre provided by the user.
1. Scrapper scraps the data from the website http://books.toscrape.com/
2. Scrapper mainly uses the libraries BeautifulSoup and selenium python to scrap the data.
3. The scrapped data will be extracted as a csv file in the scrappedData folder in the same directory as the project.
4. User will be able to provide the his/her desired genre on the Home html page.
5. The request module will take the genre provided by the user from the html page and scraps the book name and price for that genre from the above mentioned website. The scrapped data will be stored as a csv file in scrappedData folder and it is also showed on the results html page.
Project Demonstration
Data Used
Programming Languages Used
Python, HTML, CSS
Python Libraries Used